July 7th, 2017: In today’s show I talk with you about the Power Of Positive Thinking and how it can affect your life. Simple adjustments daily can impact your life in such a great way and truly it is all a choice!
“Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be Positive. Be True. Be Kind” ~ Roy T. Bennett
“The day is what you make it! So why not make it a great one?” ~ Steve Schulte
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Being miserable is a habit; being happy is a habit; and the choice is yours.” ~ Tom Hopkins
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
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You're listening to the Mountain Woman radio show which can be found on our website at trayerwilderness.com and also on iTunes.
Welcome to the Mountain Woman radio show where we’re homesteading traditionally 100% off-grid today and offering preparedness and survival tips for tomorrow here is your host, Tammy Trayer.
Tammy: Hey everyone, welcome to the Idaho wilderness, I'm your host Tammy Trayer and you can find myself and my family at trayerwilderness.com where we educate on our off-grid lifestyle. If you're new to my show, you can go to trayerwilderness.com/mountainwomanradio and you’ll find all the past and archived podcasts as well the show notes and links that were discussed in each of the shows.
I’m out here today with my furry children and we’re half way through our 5 mile trek and I thought I would jump on here today and chat with you about the power of positive thinking. People don’t really correlate that with happiness and a peaceful life, but I wanted to talk about it today it was sort of divinely implanted in me today that this is a subject that needs to be discussed with you. So you know people don't realize how one negative thought can turn your entire day upside down. And it's just as quickly rectified positive thinking. You know in life you're going to have situations where things don't go as planned regardless if you're living in an apartment, you're homesteading whatever you're doing; you're going to run into obstacles, things are going to break, things aren't going to work the way you wanted them to, plans are going to fail, goals aren't always going to be met the way you want them to be met but I'm a true believer that everything in life happens for a reason and it’s not always the reasons to the ways we wanted to be, But ultimately it's better than you could have ever imagined.
I feel that is my life and I feel it's something I need to share with you guys. There so many people talking about the cup half empty and the cup half full. Half empty being a negative pessimistic person, half full being an optimistic person and seeing the brighter side of things and I just got to the point where I don't care either way, I'm just thankful to have a cup. It's all in perspective, it's all how you think about things, it's all how you view things and it's really easy to get stuck in a rut to get in a really negative place in a funk and sometimes you don't have other people to get you out of that place. However, you don't realize that you alone have the power to turn these things around. You know I was at of a friend's house the other day and I got tied up there longer than I had anticipated being there and I've got a lot on my plate right now and I could have viewed that in such a negative way. I could have been very stressed by that situation but I found it very relaxing, very comforting and just where I was supposed to be and just what God wanted for me because I've been moving at such a pace out of necessity, that I–despite how hard I'm trying, I'm not taking as good a care of myself as I'd like to be. So I feel a bit God orchestrated that and that's how it's supposed to be and I was right where I needed to be relaxing myself and just taking a break. I had a very enjoyable time with my friend and it didn't really hold me up any more than I was already held up.
So you need to sometimes just view these situations and the circumstances in a positive way and not allow them to break you. Just like with our equipment out here, we do so much more in a day than the average person and in doing so much more, we also sometimes run into so many more problems and you could do the wows me, God's testing me, I'm in a valley thing, but quite honestly I never feel like God is testing us, I feel that's the enemy trying to get his claws in there and disrupt where you're headed and when you have faith like a giant and your hope and trust is in God and you have a positive mindset and you keep working past all the struggles and you’re unaffected, the enemy loses his stronghold. Not that he won't keep trying, but sometimes, he just has to walk away I think and shake his head and I like that. I just want you to know you're not alone. You know we all have struggles, we all have problems, we all have things pop up but when you have something like that happen and you do the wows in me and you get into that negative mindset, it's really easy to allow that to consume you allow that to breed into you and make you a very negative and unhappy person and I hate to see that happen to people, I mean it happens to me sometimes too. I catch myself and I don't like being in that place, so I quickly turn it around and when–you know we're faced with adversity, I always try to find the silver lining and I have some really just
I just want you to know you're not alone. You know we all have struggles, we all have problems, we all have things pop up but when you have something like that happen and you do the wows me and you get into that negative mindset, it's really easy to allow that to consume you, allow that to breed into you and make you a very negative and unhappy person and I hate to see that happen to people, I mean it happens to me sometimes too. I catch myself and I don't like being in that place, so I quickly turn it around and when we're faced with adversity, I always try to find the silver lining.I have some really just
I have some really just awing people in my life that just blow me away. I'm very optimistic, but these people have some extreme challenges and my friend Pat Kenny; he just blows me away with his, ah, just amazing good nature and positivity and it's fun to be around people like that. So surrounding yourself with positive people can be a huge influence on you. If you're a negative person and you're trying to change that by hanging around with positive people it is contagious and I think it's a great way to live life. I love surrounding myself with happy and just positive people makes my life happier and something else that's really important is, ah, being able to laugh at yourself. You know we all make mistakes and if you go around in life trying so hard to be perfect you are kind of missing your mark because it's just going to happen; things are going to happen, you won't always be perfect because there's no perfect person. So learning to roll with the circumstances in your life, sometimes understanding that everything has a purpose and the meaning behind it not that you always know what it is and you never know who you're going to affect in your surroundings, I've talked about that many times but learning to turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts is a real big growth step in your life. My son has always been a negative
So learning to roll with the circumstances in your life, sometimes understanding that everything has a purpose and the meaning behind it… not that you will always know what it is, but you also never know who you're going to affect in your surroundings while you are rolling with the circumstances. I've talked about that many times but learning to turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts is a real big growth step in your life. My son has always been a negative
My son has always been a negative Ned and is some times he still is because of his literal mindset but he's learned too through me how to be positive and sometimes he's actually the light that I need some days because he turns things around when I'm in that spot. Like I said, we're–none of us are-exempt, it's going to happen to us at some point and knowing how to handle it and knowing you're not alone but learning to positively look at things.
The other thing with-the other day when I got tied up at my friend's house–you know sometimes the reason those things happen to is because it's keeping you in a safe place and out of harm's way. There have been circumstances for friends of mine and even my husband where we were tied up, they were tied up and had they not been tied up, they would have been involved in deadly accidents and different circumstances that were life threatening. So God has a unique way of working things out and I really feel that we just need to learn to accept circumstances and not be so taken by them. That's what makes our homestead roll the way it does and makes it easier than what it used to be because not everybody rolled when things happened, it was very disturbing and disrupting and like I said, because we do so much here on the homestead; so much more than the average that we often have a lot more things breaking and different struggles and so forth. So there was a time when that kind of stuff would break parts of my family and they'd really struggle with that negative-the negative feelings and they get even more irritated when I would find some kind of positive spin on the situation. However, over time things have shifted and I guess I've become contagious and it has become a really good thing because you can't change your circumstances, you can just change how you react to your circumstances.
So I just felt it was necessary to discuss that with you because it pertains to every aspect of our life. We go through so many different ups and downs and valleys and different things happened to us on the way to work, at work, with our children and our reactions are not only detrimental for us but they are a learning point for our children too. I was listening to the radio the other day and I guess they were doing some-just some positive things and this fellow got on and he said how his mother had to raise five children as a single parent because their father had passed so young and she was just always such a faithful and positive person and he realized that that did carry on through he and his siblings but he didn't realize how much until he has-he became a single parent and he said that it's such a blessing that his mother shared that trait with them because he could have so easily given up and because of her positiveness and her extreme faith and hope, he's got it too and now he's seeing it in his children and that's a really neat thing, that's one heck of a tradition and a heritage to pass down and something to be proud of. And I just want to encourage you guys that when you catch yourself feeling negatively about something, about someone and struggling through circumstances find the positive side through that situation, turn your situations around, every negative thought has a positive thought that counteract it and I encourage you to do that. Every week I tell you I'd love to hear from you and I thoroughly would if you ever have things that my podcast kind of stirs in you to share, I would love to hear from, you you're welcome to email me anytime at survive@trayerwilderness.com but I encourage you to look positively at life regardless how doom and gloom things can look. No matter how unknown our future and everything else is, just remember you have control of today. Today is a gift, tomorrow is unknown and yesterday's the past and we should not be looking back.
So live each day and sometimes you have those days that you have to embrace each minute and if you have to do that one minute at a time, that's how you got to do it. So those are my thoughts today, I wish you well, I look forward to visiting with you next Friday, I appreciate you all and I wish you a good week, till then God bless.
You’re listening to the Mountain Woman radio show where you will learn something new every week, we hope you enjoyed the show and encourage you to join us at trayerwilderness.com and be sure to connect with us on iTunes, remember your reviews on iTunes are very important to us and help us reach more people just like you.
All podcasts can be viewed on our YouTube channel in the Mountain Woman Radio playlist.
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