Well Glen and I ran for materials on the 3rd of August to Spokane while Dennis and Galen worked on clearing the area a bit more and then cutting fire wood for us…. Oh – their help is so appreciated…
I haven't gotten them yet – but I understand there were some pretty interesting photos taken while we were gone. I will be sure to post those as soon as I have my hands on those…. Austin took the day and just chilled and had fun with his bb gun.
We left at like 11 am and didn't return until around 7 pm. And again we were twitching – yuck the city – it was like driving thru Philadelphia or Allentown or Harrisburg with a 24 ‘ goose neck trailer and a bunch of crazy drivers… AHHHHHH!!!
But yesterday the building inspector came out and checked our work and approved our progress so HERE WE GO!!!!
I am so thankful that Dennis and Galen are here to help Glen get these posts in, leveled and concreted…. It would have been quite the task for Austin and I to assist on this one…. So I am grateful for the extra hands and extra strength….
I will definitely post pictures soon…. Many taken – but I am working, running for supplies, cooking, washing and helping in any way I can so pictures must wait…
Well this catches you up some, but I am behind so forgive…
This is such an AWESOME adventure and such and AWESOME place…. We are so lucky…..