We have cold water and we got our 1st FLUSH!! WOOHOOOO
Hot water is going to be a bit trickier…. Well we have been told that the propane fella will not venture back here on the snowmobile??? They are unable to get their trucks back here to do our pressure check and install our propane. If you remember we have 3 – 500 gallon tanks out here that ARE filled….. SOOOO we are improvising currently with our hot water because one of the propane appliances of course is our hot water heater… SO Glen (Mr. Mechanical) has rigged up our outdoor shower water heater to the grill tank and the battery and we should have hot water for Christmas if all goes well….. We did however need to venture out today and luckily were able to make it out because we hooked up the hot water heater and after about 3 uses – it bit the dust…. So we ventured out to purchase another to get us by…. UGH!! Always something…
Now just a little funny side note – remember it has been SOME time since we have showered so today while shopping we did everything in our power to avoid people…
And it was definitely a HAT day…
We no longer need to worry about our butts freezing fast to the toilet seat… And I don’t have to take my nighttime walk with my .357 and my headlamp and Rambler no longer needs to guard the throne….