Mountain Woman Radio is my bi-monthly podcast dedicated to inspiring my listeners.  My goal is to help you enjoy your life and your family while sharing my knowledge on homesteading, off-grid living, and living a faithful simple life.

I post the podcast every other Friday morning.  If you subscribe, you will automatically get every episode for free.  

I am currently in season 10.   You will find all the archives below and can find MWR on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneInRadio, & iHeartRadio.

I would also suggest that you use a podcast application on your iPhone or smartphone. I use Downcast. Another popular one is Instacast. Both are the same price.

These applications make discovering, subscribing, and listening to podcasts so much easier. The biggest advantage is that you don’t have to load iTunes on your computer, subscribe, and then manually sync to your phone. You can do the whole thing from within Downcast. They also automatically update your podcasts every time a new episode is released.

In 2020, I started recording my podcasts live which can be viewed on our Trayer Wilderness YouTube channel in the Mountain Woman Radio playlist:

Podcast #223: Community

February 5th, 2021: In today’s episode of Mountain Woman Radio I share the need to be #RelentlesslyFaithful and the importance of community.  You can join me in our community by visiting Additional Resources mentioned: Watch our Tiny...