by Tammy Trayer | Jul 9, 2014 | MulitFlame Tools, Product Reviews, Trayer Product Reviews, Writings
We'd like to publicly thank William Myers of for his over the top review of our MultiFlame Tools. And also congratulate his winners and hope that they get as much use out of their tools as we do. Enjoy this very well done video… Paid...
by Tammy Trayer | Jan 8, 2014 | MulitFlame Tools, Wilderness Survival
After spending the night in the woods and making various new things on his trek he returned with a new idea in mind. After perfecting it and utilizing it in MANY ways, we have added it to our store. Here are some videos he created this week to show you just a glimpse...
by Tammy Trayer | Dec 17, 2013 | MulitFlame Tools, Writings
MultiFlame Mini Tool Our MultiFlame Mini Tool is a 6″ fire piston and so much more. Made of aluminum, it is light weight and has multiple functions. Its main function is the fire piston to provide a form of fire starting for in your pack. The knob is...