How often do you wake up discouraged or whoaies meeing??  Or throughout our day something happens and we act like it is the end of the world?

Every person on this planet has struggles.

I am an optimist and when I am down I am not only down, but I then beat myself up while I am down.  It is because I know there is always someone else out there that is worse off than I and I tend to feel that my worries don't have any weight compared to others…

There is a good part to being like this for me because it is what has helped me thru life to grab my boot straps and get on with my day, BUT….  A special friend in my life pointed out that a struggle is a struggle no matter what it is and it is your struggle.  You can’t compare struggles and you can’t debase or discredit a struggle.  It is a struggle and it adds stress to your life and adds discouragement unless you learn how to deal with your struggles.   It is a choice to allow your struggle to take you down.  I am grateful that I do look at struggles the way I do and it is good for me to beat myself up a bit sometimes for that necessary reality check that yes I am struggling, but it allows me to establish whether it is something I can or can't control?  If it is something that I can control – fix it…  If it is something that I can not control than you have to let it go, put a spin on it (Positive Perspective) and give it to God…

What is a Positive Perspective?  What is putting a spin on things….  It is not easy, but wow what a difference it can make for you.  Being I am the optimist – I am always looking for the “Shiny Penny” / “God’s Gift”.    Some days, like today my “Shiny Penny & God’s Gift” was sitting here in the glorious sun, in this beautiful place, on my relaxing swing, with my cup of coffee only to have a little blue bird join me at my feet.  He didn’t just pop in – he stayed for a while.   Something so simple as a little blue bird.  It is a pleasant and wonderful gift when you can enjoy Life’s Simple Pleasures.  Putting a spin on it is realizing that you have no control over this situation and instead of stewing on it, find something positive to embrace and move along.    Sometimes your “Shiny Penny” & “God's Gift” can just be those things that not only give you pleasure, but are a true blessing – the things you are most thankful for – for me that is my Husband and my Son and I can reflect on that daily.

My husband has been having some health issues the last week and a half and I have to be a rock outside, but I find in doing this – inside I am struggling.   I am fighting off feelings and being strong to accomplish everything that needs to be done, but I am holding off my own feelings.   I find that I take great refuge in knowing that God has my back and that he will answer my prayers to strengthen me and my husband and to help us.  I realize that I am doing what I can and it is really out of my control.  So I am putting great faith in God to see us through and I am grabbing tight to the positive things around me.

Everyone gets consumed from time to time by emotions, struggles and stresses.  This is what makes us human, but when you can remove yourself from these stresses and just continue to embrace your life and your happiness you will be a healthier person.

“Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge.  I said to the Lord, “You are my Master!  Every good thing I have comes from you.”  Psalms 16:1-2

“I Love you, Lord;  You are my strength.  The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;  My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.  He is my shield, the power that saves me and my place of safety.”  Psalms 18:1-2

Just something I want to leave you with….  My special friend shared this with me and it is just something for you to think about…  

My special friend had just lost her dog and her friend called her to chat.  Her friend could sense something was wrong and after asking her several times she finally told her that she was really upset because their dog had just died.  Her friend expressed extreme condolences and cried with her and then asked her why she wouldn't want to share that with her initially.  My special friend replied, “I just didn't feel right being so upset about my dog when you just lost your young baby boy!”  Her friends reply was this, “Your loss is just as great as mine – it still hurts and you need to grieve your loss and again I am so sorry for you!”

God Bless!!  Embrace your day, your blessings and if need be your boot straps….