Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

~ Psalm 119:105, NLT

This was the view from my kitchen window yesterday.  I tend to chuckle a lot throughout my day when God “gifts” me with his little visuals of his grace.  I feel very blessed in my life.  I feel that God is lighting my path and guiding me.  Is my life easy all the time?   Certainly not, but there is so much that God gifts us each day that it is awing to me.  I treasure the “Simple” things in life and for me a view like the above from my kitchen window warms me.  After taking the picture above I turned around and walked across my house to my living room window only to see this view…

Just another piece of God's beauty…  I thank God for sharing these small glimpses of what he is capable of.   The reminders of his power and brilliance in my life.

I see and feel his grace in so many ways throughout my day…   I am truly blessed with my family, my husband who loves me unconditionally and like no other ever has,  my son and his smile, our parents and our friends, our church, our location and how God takes care of us EVERYDAY!

Today, I would love to hear from you…

How do you see and feel God's beauty and grace in your life?

Share it with me and embrace it….
